AWS Configuration
Open an root session on
Click on Services and under the Security, Identity & Compliance tab, click on IAM
Click on Identity Providers and then click on Create a provider
In Provider type choose SAML
Enter the provider name and upload the metadata
Finalize the creation by clicking on Next step and End
Go on the Roles tab and click on Create role
Select SAML 2.0 federation
Choose the SAML provider, check Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access
On the forth step, choose the role name and click on create
Trustelem Configuration
Go back on Settings for AWS on Trustelem and copy the AWS account ID in Subscription ID
On the same page write the identity provider name
Role Configuration
- The code below allow to assign roles to users. As so, to assign roles you need to edit the script in the app settings and return the wished roles
function getRoles(user: User, groups: Groups): string[] {
return ["Role1", "Role2"];
AWS returns two attributes: with value ARN role, ARN Provider with value