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Trustelem administration


WALLIX Trustelem provides Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) including a cloud Single Sign-On (SSO) an...

Access rules

Contents What access rules are? Priorities Web authentication - Apps SAML, OpendID Connect,...

Active Directory users - Trustelem ADConnect

Contents How does it work? Prerequisites Setup on Windows Setup on Linux Debug Updati...


APIs are available in the API / scripts tab:

Application scripts

Most of Trustelem applications allow to set up a script in order to change the default behavior...

Associating Google accounts on mobile devices

Warning Having setup a network mask in Google SSO configuration prevents associating mobile devi...

Azure AD users

Contents How does it work? Prerequisites Setup How does it work? The goal is to use Azure...

Certificate renewal

If you received and email like the following one, that means the certificate used by some applica...

Custom themes

The aspect of users login pages and users dashboard can be change. The settings are done in the t...

Delegated administration

The delegated administration is a tool which offers the possibility to let non-Trustelem admin us...

Integrated Windows Authentication

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) is a Trustelem authentication using the Kerberos token of...

LDAP-Radius - Trustelem Connect

Contents How does it work? Prerequisites Setup Trustelem Connect on a Windows machine Set...

Loss of a second factor

The following procedure may be used when a user needs to access a protected application, but does...

Multi factors authentication

Contents What is a Multi factors authentication? Existing 2nd factors on Trustelem Possible...

Regular expressions

Some fields on the Trustelem administration pages allow the usage of regular expressions. In re...


The feature Self-Service-Password-Reset (or SSPR) allows Trustelem users to reset a lost password...

Trustelem local users

Contents What Trustelem local users are? Creation Management Temporary users What Trust...

Trustelem password levels

Trustelem password levels Trustelem passwords have 3 security levels : None - Medium - High Trust...

Authentication with an external IDP

In this page, we will see how to authenticate from an external IDP to a Trustelem subscription. F...