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Access rules


What access rules are?

  • Permissions help define how users can access which apps.
  • They can ask for simple authentications (login + password), multi factors authentications (login + password + 2nd factor) or deny an access
  • They can be managed using the tab Access rules of Trustelem admin page.
  • They can be managed using the API
  • They are some default access rules defined on Security settings / General / Default authentication level for users which allow to control multiple applications access rules with one setting.
  • For web authentication, you can have a rule depending on the user public IP. If the IP is known the rule internal applies, if not the rule external applies.

If possible, an access rule should always apply to a group.
Doing that you only have to add users to the right groups to manage the access.
It is also a way to have a limited number of access rules and a better visibility.
Of course you can still search for a user in the Access rules tab to see which permissions are applied, even if they are related to a group.


When a user / group is affected by more than one access rule for a single application, the following priorities apply:

  • 1/ A user access rule wins over a group access rule, whether it is more restrictive or not

  • 2/ The most restrictive access rule wins

In summary:

Access forbidden (user) > 2 factors (user) > 1 factor (user) > Access forbidden (group) > 2 factors (group) > 1 factor (group)


John Doe is in groups "Customer Success" and "Support" and he wants to authenticate on salesforce.

Permissions defined:

  • Subscription default: internal -> 1 factor | external -> 2 factors

  • Customer Success for salesforce: internal -> 1 factor | external -> 2 factors

  • Support for salesforce: internal -> 2 factors | external -> forbidden

  • John Doe for salesforce: internal -> no rule | external -> 2 factors

No permission is set to the default value, so this setting doesn't apply.
For internal zone we have 1 factor (customer success) and 2 factors (support) for groups and no rule specified for his account --> the authentication will use 2 factors
For external zone we have 2 factors (customer success) and forbidden (support) for groups and 2 factors for his account --> the authentication will use 2 factors again.

--> John needs 2 factors to access salesforce for both internal and external zone.

Web authentication - Apps SAML, OpendID Connect, and No SSO

Permissions for this apps may depend on the user's public IP address.
In this case, the internal IPs must be defined on Security settings / General / Internal network.
Internal IPs are usually the public IPs of the company offices.
If the user has a known public IP, the access rule for internal zone applies, if not the access rule for external zone applies

Possible values:

  • no rule: does not apply any rule, so other permissions can remain active
    For instance, if you want to overload an existing external zone permission, and not a internal zone permission, you can set the internal zone permission to no rule

  • Default: apply the default rule defined in Security settings / General / Default authentication level for users

  • 1 factor: only one authentication factor is needed to access the application (login + password OR certificate OR Kerberos)

  • 2 factors: two authentication factors are needed to access the application

  • Forbidden: the user can’t access the application

LDAP authentication

LDAP applications do not provide users public IP, so there are no internal and external permissions.
1 factor or 2 factors LDAP permissions allow the application to:

  • source users --> LDAP search
  • authenticate users with permission --> LDAP bind

If a user doesn't have a LDAP 1 or 2 factors permission, the application can't find him with a search request

Possible values:

  • no rule: does not apply any rule, so users can't be sourced and can't be authenticated

  • 1 factor: users can be sourced, and only one authentication factor is needed to access the application

  • 2 factors: users can be sourced, and two authentication factors are needed to access the application. LDAP is not designed for MFA, so if you use this permission:

    • If the user provides login + password and have WALLIX Authenticator, Trustelem will only answer after the validation of a push notification (**only possible if the app have a timeout long enought)
    • If the user provides login + password and doesn't have WALLIX Authenticator, the authentication will failed
    • The user can provides his login + password and TOTP code sticked together (for instance: mypasswordTOTP)
  • Forbidden: the user can’t access the application and can't be sourced

Radius authentication

Radius applications do not provide users public IP, so there are no internal and external permissions.

Possible values:

  • no rule: does not apply any rule, so users can't be authenticated

  • Always allow: accept the authentication if the login is known, without any verification on the password/2nd factor
    This permission is used in specific scenarios, when you defined a radius authentication in addition to another authentication (AD usually) and you want some users to authenticate using 2nd factors, and some users using only 1 factor.

  • 2nd factor only: only the second factor are needed to access the application. This permission is used when you have a radius authentication in addition to another authentication (AD usually).

  • 2 factors: two authentication factors are needed to access the application.
    If the application supports Radius in 2 steps (Access Request then Challenge request) you can provide login + password then MFA
    If the application doesn't support Radius in 2 steps, you can provide login + password and code sticked together

  • Forbidden: the user can’t access the application